Flowers for Algernon

I wrote this poem after reading Flowers for Algernon. The main plot of the story is about a man named Charlie who was born mentally disabled, but is determined to become as smart as everyone else. He is chosen for a special surgery by a team of docters that could make him smart, but they do not know for how long. After a brief period of soaring intelegence the effect begins to wear off and Charlie is left worse off then when he began.

I was born in a world without light,
There was no sound, no beauty, only night.
But something inside me told me I had to find the missing light 

They tried so hard to fix me,
They did all the tests and paid every fee.
But nothing they did could ever make me see. 

One day they finally figured it out,
It seemed so impossible I could only doubt.
But when I saw I couldn’t help but shout! 

The light came so quickly it was almost blinding,
I could finally feel that the gears were grinding.
It was like someone had finally loosed my bindings. 

I soared to all new heights,
As I left behind those darkened nights.
I had never known such beautiful sights!

I thought I had destroyed my older self,
But I only stuffed him away on a forgotten shelf.
To soon did he begin to drag down my newer self. 

I scrambled frantically to find the cure,
But He only pulled me down further to his shore.
I clung desperately to every thought, memory and answer. 

He was fighting for control of my mind,
I could feel it begin to slowly unwind.
There was nothing to do until the gears didn’t grind.

Of course he did win in the end,
The damage done was impossible to mend.
The light was gone as though it had all been pretend. 

My day was thrown back into the night,
But I knew what I had done could only be right.
I still had the memory of that beautiful light.

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Keep it up, I like the flow. Thanks again.

  2. i like this poem…if you think about it it kind if relates to life….keep it up!!!!!!!!!! God Bless!!

  3. I hope you dont mind if i use this for a school project. we need to find a poem online about that story. I will give full credit and all. great job babe, its amazing.

  4. Great poem! It covered theme, plot, and character, and it was very complete in thought and description.
    P.S. Check for your punctuation, spelling, and grammar by the way.

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