Atheist Creation

An expanse
Rolling, swirling clouds of black
Absent of all sound
Only the cushioned blow of overwhelming emptiness
Not the comfort of another
Nor the presence of emotion
Devoid of all life and light

Then, suddenly, without expectation or lingering hesitation
Blinding light rips through the black
Tearing away the emptiness
Busting the silence with roaring sound
Abandoning calm for chaos
The long ago nothing
Pouring over with matter, energy, and thunder

Like great waves of fire
Particles and gasses churn and collide
Raging heat devours infinity
As time and space begin to bend
Violence is the first name provided for this place
But it is only a blink in eternity
And impossibly distant from the end

From the flaming kiln
Elements begin to take their form
Materials mass together as gas and dust collect in pluming nebula
The roaring wind withers and gives way to creation
Stars erupt from the plumes and planets establish their orbit
Disorder diminishes as unmarked galaxies drift and expand
Into swimming lights and fading warmth

Millennia ease on as the sifting sands settle
Lights and cosmos stretch farther than can be imagined
But in one forgotten corner of this roiling expanse
Exists a lonely blue rock
As its surface cools from the long past fires
Rains and atmosphere wrap around its surface
And life leaps out of solid ground

Confounded organisms divide
Multiplying and soon encompassing their freshly primed world
Beasts roam and rage for centuries but eventually
Reason and emotion rises from the teeming creatures
One species to claim dominion
But this new intelligence revives long defeated chaos
He calls himself Man

With emotion’s presence comes self-image
Man’s reason and ego are mixed
And he calls himself Ruler of this roiling expanse
His delusions give him a false mind set
And he believes no less than his immortality
He destroys the beasts of his world and conquers all in his grasp
But Man is unsatisfied
Soon he turns his sword upon himself

Fire races across Man’s world
A new and terrible act of hatred called war
His ability for destruction is astounding
His ability for violence unparalleled and unmatched
Man’s own blood flows through the dried rivers and seas
His cries fill the burning atmosphere
As he is consumed by his own effect

The lonely blue rock remains barren and wasted
Chaos is squelched once again with the loss of Man’s presence
And the fires are silent once more
Order restored, law abides
Not even the memory of His collapse
Remains etched in the ever changing surface of the expanse
His effect dissolved by the swimming lights and fading warmth

Note that I am not an Atheist and do not agree with the Big Bang Theory.